The Gift and The Feast

Every year when we wrap up our Global Thanksgiving Feast, I think of Jesus' words from Matthew 28, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And - remember- I am always with you, even until the end of the age."

A New School Year, 2023-2024

The first month of school is complete, and I am proud to announce that the school year has gone well. The most common question I get from neighbors, family, and friends is, "How is the school going?" I'm always truly grateful- and a little shocked-  that I can say things are well. It's not to say things are always easy, but it is a privilege to do this work of proclaiming the excellencies of Christ to a young generation and have conversations with thankful parents as they see their kid's lives changed and positively effected so quickly.

An Invitation to Beauty

No one spoke of beauty better than C.S. Lewis. When David (my husband) and I first started talking about opening a school, we talked a lot about worship and beauty. So many of the schools I taught in were dirty, hopeless, blank, and ugly. The children in those schools were just as uninspired as the dingy, white walls. I told David I wanted something more beautiful and more hopeful for the students of Shreveport.

Opening in Less Than 2 Months | 6.16.22

In the 1830's when George Muller set out to open his schools and orphan houses, he did so with two goals: 1. To meet at clear need in Bristol, England. 2. To show the world that God answers prayer.

George knew he was taking on a huge task. He knew he didn't have the means to provide schooling and housing for children, but he stepped out in service, praying with every step that God would lead the way and provide for his every need.

Like George Muller, the staff at Mercy Christian is attempting a task way beyond our means. But, with God and through his Holy Spirit moving in the hearts of individuals, this grand task can be done.

Worshipful | 5.21.22

Our mission at Mercy Christian is to "bear witness to the mercies of Christ by providing a high-quality, Christian education to Shreveport families, regardless of income." We believe Jesus is so valuable that we are taking a risk, forming a new school. We want more children to experience the mercy of God. We don't want any child to miss out on the hope of Christ simply because he or she cannot pay full tuition price.

Our First Students | 4.20.22

"You rule over the surging seas. As the waves mount up, you still them." - Psalm 89:9

Children know life is hard. They don't have to go far to find suffering, and when they experience pain, where or to whom will they turn? This verse tells us that God is a refuge for our bodies, souls, and emotions. God gives life and hope to our children, and it is our prayer to be able to point students at Mercy Christian to our God who can calm their anxious hearts with the balm of his grace and eternal love.

A History | 3.22.21

It was then in 2010 that I felt a burning drive to bring hope to the educational system. At the time I didn't know how to help, but I saw such bad things in so many schools that I knew if I didn't attempt something, I'd be responsible for inaction. So, I moved to Boston and got a Masters in Education, with my failed attempt in Baton Rouge in mind.

A Global Curriculum | 2.2.21

As a Global school, we long for kids to see the vast grandeur of God. As kids interact with other kids from all over the world, our hope is that each child would see a big God who rules over continents and countries. We want kids to see that God brings us together in unity that we may worship him together. By placing a high emphasis on things like world geography, history, global cultures, and languages, we get to proclaim the creativity and vastness of God, His kingdom, and His mercy that extends to people from every tongue, tribe and nation…

Finishing Well | 12/30/21

Our school's verse is found in Psalm 36:7, "How precious is your steadfast love, O God. The children of man find refuge under the shadow of your wings." In those terms, here are three things I am praying for in the new year..

A Restful Education | 12.10.21

As humans we are prone to hear truth and forget it. We see beauty and don’t ponder. We don’t pause. We don't wait. We don’t meditate. In the end, we don't think but go from one task to another. At Mercy Christian, we will teach from a robust liberal arts curriculum. With great books and ideas comes the need to slow down. As educators we will strive not to rush students from one project to the next, but to develop a deeper, slower pace of learning…

Worshipful | 10.31.21

God has created human beings for worship, namely the worship of himself. We either worship our Creator or something else. To live for him is to function as we are designed. As a school, we believe there is no greater purpose than to train a child in the knowledge and grace of God. As children see, hear, and savor their Creator and Redeemer, they will learn how to worship him in all of life, flourishing as human beings…

A Home for Mercy Christian | 10.2.21

In August, Broadmoor Baptist's board voted unanimously to let Mercy Christian use classrooms for our school next year. This is a great blessing to us! There is green space for the kids to play at recess, a teacher's copy room, two large classrooms, and a worship space for chapel…

Mercy Christian Math | 8.31.21

Math is a subject many kids struggle to understand. The math we have chosen for our school is called Right Start Math by Joan Cotter. Dr. Cotter has many of years of experience in Montessori math, and in later years she took the Montessorian methods she liked and expanded upon them, making some concepts better- in my opinion. Math is hands-on and FUN. Judah and I enjoy lessons every afternoon. This math teaches the "Why?" so many kids need to know…

Charlotte Mason Educational Retreat | 8.21.21

During the last week of July, I attended an educational retreat focusing on the educational philosophy of Charlotte Mason. The retreat was organized by Ambleside School International, and we meet in Fredericksburg, TX…It was a week packed with information…

Fundraising Begins | 6.18.21

The love of God compels me, and I would like it to compel you also to join us. While I know not all who read this will be in a financial place to give to our new school, I believe there are some of you who have read these newsletters in the past few months and feel compelled to join what God is going to do through our microschool…

Our School’s Educational Philosophy | 5.25.21

The five parts of Mercy Christian's educational philosophy are as follows:

  1. Worshipful

  2. Restful

  3. Original

  4. Natural

  5. Global

A Name | 4.15.21

First, a bit of exciting news. We have finished our 501c3 paperwork! Our forms have been submitted to the IRS for finalization, which will come later this year. We will finish our website within the month and have opportunities there for you to give financially. This school will be a huge fund-raising task, but we are certain that God who is faithful to his children will provide all that is needed…